
自然と共に ゆったり暮らそ


Yohei Miyake “Talkin’ About The Revolution” At His Election Fest In Japan 三宅洋平から始まる、政治に対する意識改革

humanizing through culture

http://spacehousepeople.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/yohei-miyake-talkin-about-the-revolution-at-his-election-fest-in-japan/    より転載



7/12/2013 -Tokyo, japan

“This is my formal wear.” Yohei Miyake (34) who currently runs for the Upper House election says on the stage at the election fest held at Hachikou-Mae in Shibuya, Tokyo on July 6th.


Mr. Miyake currently gets attention from wide demographics in Japan. He defines the election as a “festival” and brings musicians to his campaign called “the election fest,” which holds a very similar atmosphere to music festivals. His direct style of speech also is completely different from other typical candidates. There are many audience enthusiastically listen to his words and music wherever Mr. Miyake does speech and the fest.


唄う選挙演説 三宅洋平比例区緑の党(2013/07/04)


One of the topics he consistently brings up is a definition of the “wealth.” He says that his generation, a generation that was born after the economic bubble burst, didn’t receive monetary and material benefit from the society like a previous generation. However his generation was able to find a value of internal richness through things like nature and creative culture, he says.

三 宅さんの主張の一つは「豊かさ」の定義。三宅さんは、バブルが崩壊した後に生まれてきた自分達の世代は、社会や金の物質的な恩恵にあずからずに生きてきたと言う。しかしだからこそ、自分たちの世代は物質的、金銭的な豊かさとは違うタイプの豊かさ、心や文化の「豊かさ」を見つけることができたと言う。

“Organic T-shirt like this costs twice as much compared to UNIQLO’s T shirt. But I want everyone to think if the production system behind those cheap T-shirts is hurting people or not and then choose what to buy. Foods too. You can choose even if you don’t have much money. T-shirt like this makes me wanna wear it when I get on the stage and play a show like this. There’s a some sort of power to it. This is my formal wear.” The audience cheered when Mr. Miyake said so as he grabs his T-shirt around his shoulder.

「こ ういうもの、オーガニックのTシャツってのはさ、ユニクロのTシャツの倍くらいするよ。でもさ、その背景にある生産システムが人を傷つけてるか傷つけてな いかまで考えて選んで欲しい。食べ物も。金なんか無くても選べる。そうやって選んだものはこうやってライブの時に着ようって思う。力が宿るんだ。これが俺 の正装ね」ステージでオーガニックのTシャツの肩のあたりを掴みながら、三宅さんがそう言うと聴衆は沸いた。

Mr. Miyake is a candidate from the Green Party that built a network in 90 countries in the last 30 years. “Don’t you wanna get out from the War Economy!?” he shouted to the crowd. He insists that he wants to seriously think in order to eliminate the war out of the system. “The profit from the electronics people unconsciously buy, or the profit of the mega banks that people deposit their money without thinking much, are killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Don’t you wanna fix the distortion like that before eliminate “distortion” that Abe (Prime Minister) talks about?” he shouted to the crowd.

彼は30年間かけて世界の90 カ国にネットワークを創ってきた緑の党の推薦候補。「戦争経済から脱出したくないですか!?」彼は戦争を無くすために本気で考えたいと大きな声で主張す る。「知らず知らずのうちに買った家電製品や知らず知らず預けたお金のメガバンクが、その利益がイラクやアフガンで人を殺してるようなそういうねじれ。国 会のねじれより先にそっちを解消したくないですか?」彼は大衆に向かってそう叫んだ。

His concept which criticizes the current economic system that led by American Capitalism which expands by destroying the environment, exploiting workers and the weak and abandoning social responsibilities is similar to Occupy movement’s basic concept. Occupy movement is a grassroots movement that is highly praised by many intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky, MIT’s emeritus professor and a linguist.

現在の環境を破壊すること、労働者や弱者を搾取し、責任を取らないこ とで大きく膨れ上がる経済のシステム、アメリカ式の資本主義のあり方を批判するという観点は、アメリカで2011年に始まり世界中に広まったオキュパイ運動や、オキュパイを高く評価するマサチューセッツ工科大学名誉教授であり、言語学者であるノーム・チョムスキーを始め、多くの知識人や文化人の考えと同調している。

“Charanke” is a word that Mr. Miyake uses often. “Charanke” means discussion and is a word from Aynu culture, an indigenous people of Hokkaido, Northern Japan. Mr. Miyake repeatedly says that he wants to talk thoroughly. What he means by that is probably talking thoroughly is the very basic of the democracy. “It’s such a mystery to me why Japan is the way it is right now,” he says. He says that he wants to go to the Parliament and talk with Mr. Abe (Prime Minister) face to face because he can’t understand what Mr. Abe says at all. He doesn’t want to dislike people, but he wants to talk and lead the situation to a better direction peacefully.

三宅さんが一貫して叫び続けていることの1つに「チャランケ」という言葉があ る。チャランケとはアイヌ語論議という意味。演説で、彼はとことん話し合いたいと何度も言う。それはとことん話し合うことが民主主義の基本であるからだ ろう。「今なんで日本がこうなのか不思議なことだらけなんです」と彼は言う。安倍総理の言っていることが全然理解できないから、国会でとことん話し合いたい、嫌うのではなく、どんな人ともとことん話し合って、平和的に物事を良い方向へと導きたいと彼は言う。

Another characteristic of Mr. Miyake is that he also demands citizens to wake up and act. He says that the reason why the politics is corrupted is not only politicians’ fault but also citizens’ as well.


When he did a speech in Shinbashi, Tokyo, he talked about mass media. Humans have ability to communicate and transmit information without technology. He says that the reason why the information environment is so chaotic and the mass media’s quality is extremely low is probably because citizens got lazy about “charanke (talking throughly)” at some point and left the job of talking and transmitting information almost entirely up to the mass media.

例えば、新橋で行った街頭演説では、「マスゴミ」という言葉について三宅さんは語った。人間には本来見たことや思ったことを口に出して、テクノロジー無しでも情報を 伝える力がある。今の情報環境がカオスでここまで質が落ちて「マスコミ」が「マスゴミ」って呼ばれるようになったのは、みんなが伝えることをメディアにま かせきりにして「チャランケ」するのをさぼっていたからではないのか、と三宅さんは言う。

He emphasizes the responsibilities of the individuals. “How are we gonna take responsibilities when the nuclear power plants we sell to foreign countries go wrong? I can’t possibly be responsible for the things like that. I know that there are people who are going to vote for pro-nuclear energy and military conscription at this election in Japan. I’m seriously thinking about making those people take responsibilities when the nuclear disaster happens again and people die at the war,” he says.

そ して原発憲法については、「世界に売った原発に何かがあった時、僕らどうやって責任取るんですか?責任取れないっすよ。じゃあ今から再稼働、徴兵制って 言ってる党に投票する方は、戦争が起きて人が死んだ時、また原発地震が起きて事故が起きた時、俺は本当に責任を取ってもらおうと思ってますよ」と、選挙 権を持っている市民側にある責任も厳しく言及する。

“’We are fine because we’ve experienced a nuclear disaster now. Now we have a technique to cover the disaster, so let’s sell the nukes to foreign countries.’ This kind of thinking is absolutely insane if you just use a common sense. What do you think how the world is looking at Japan right now?”


“This election is a trigger of the peace movement that starts from Japan, the country experienced atomic bomb attacks and a nuclear disaster! This movement will spread all over the world, this is our job! The most wounded people has become the most compassionate people! I’ll tell that to the world! The movement has already started! It’s your turn when you go home. Thank you!” Mr. Miyake ended the election fest with these words in Shibuya on July 6th.

「日 本の今回の参議院選挙をきっかけに、原発や原爆を味わった日本人から始まる本当の世界平和の運動が今始まったんだよ!これは世界中に広まっていくぜ、俺た ちの仕事!一番傷ついてる奴らが、1番痛みがわかる奴らが1番やさしくなったの!世界の人にそれを伝えるよ!ムーブメントはもう始まってるぜ!家に帰った らみんなの番だよ。」7月6日の渋谷の選挙フェスを三宅さんはこう締めくくった。

Japanese media does not cover the movement around Yohei Miyake much, however the speech, the election fest and its atmosphere obviously tell that many people support him. It became obvious that people were waiting for someone who speak of the real issues very directly for a long time. Whether Mr. Miyake can win this election or not would be up to his supporters’ efforts because he doesn’t have much election fund. The time that the only the leader fights has ended. Ordinary citizens need to realize that they have power to change the world.

日 本のメディアにはなかなか取り上げられない三宅さんだが、街頭演説や選挙フェスの様子や雰囲気を見れば、彼を指示する人々の数の多さや想いの強さは明らか だ。三宅さんに賛同する一人一人がどれだけ選挙日の21日まで横の繋がりを使って援護射撃をできるか、おそらく個人個人の頑張りが三宅さんを国会に送れる かどうかを分けるだろう。リーダーだけにまかせておく時代は終わった。市民は自分にも世界を変えてゆく力があると自覚しなければいけない。特に、ネット選挙も解禁になったこの参院選は、個人個人ができることをやって票を集め、選挙資金が少ない市民側から出てきた候補者を勝たせる自立選だ。